Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Boat Stowaways

What is the point of having a folding bike or two you can easily reduce in size to store if you are just going to leave them outside in a hostile environment to get dirty and rusty? 

Poor mistreated things. Still, at least they are not Brommies'. That would be sacrilegious!

River Ouse, York


  1. I looked at the picture before the text and thought the exposed metalwork on the bikes was copper. Such a shame, but at least they aren't Raleigh Twenty Stowaways.

  2. Still, at least they are not Brommies'. That would be sacrilegious!

    ...but at least they aren't Raleigh Twenty Stowaways.

    LOL maybe they are just a novelty rear bumper?

    Speaking of boats. has either of you been watching Tim Spall & his Missus on Beeb Four, sailing around the coast in a Dutch Barge?
