Sunday, 18 December 2011

Let It Snow!

07.00hrs 18 December 2011

First snowfall of the year for me. A lovely commute to work. Cars few and far between. Those about were taking it very easy. Ski goggles worked well as falling snow hurting eyes. Didn't have or need the studded tyres this morning. Could have used them on return trip. It had snowed, thawed and then frozen. Slippy on side roads. No falls or near falls though. A job for tomorrow? Clothing working well. Very toasty. Good to cycle commute. No weather too tough!


  1. It's supposedly heavy rain for hard as that may be to believe after the blue sky we had earlier!

  2. Yep. It rained good 'n' proper. Don't need to fit the studded tyres just yet.
